This workout takes you through 60 minutes of full body sculpting! Exercises includes kneeling leg sweeps with an optional ankle weight, box bridging, and core work facing out.
* Small ball
* Looped resistance band
* Sitting box
* 1 Ankle weight (*optional)
All springs on
Footbar in middle, upright position
Loops preset on pegs
Headrest up
Green- Heavy
Red- Medium/Heavy
Blue- Light
Yellow- Extra Light
*all springs on is 2 red springs, 1 green spring, 1 blue spring, 1 yellow spring
Up Next in Full Body Reform
Full Body Reform 3
This 60 minute, fully body reformer workout tones and carves out the muscles with an athletic approach!
* Ankle Weights
* Small Ball
* Standing Platform (*optional)STARTING POSITION
All springs on
Footbar in middle, upright position
Handles preset on pegs
Headrest upOUR SPRINGS
Green- ... -
Full Body Reform 4
This 60 minute, full body workout places an extra emphasis on core work using a small ball, front platform and light springs.
* Small Ball
* Standing Platform (*optional)STARTING POSITION
All springs on
Footbar in middle, upright position
Loops preset on pegs
Headrest upOUR SPRINGS
Gre... -
Full Body Reform 5
This 60 minute workout is an athletic, full body flow that has an extra emphasis on outer hips and glutes. Some of the exercises in this routine include kneeling Swakati upper body work, side lying legs with a band and ankle weight, and kneeling zero resistance inner thighs.
* Looped Resi...