Your weekly updated mat fusion plan curated for you by Andrea Speir.

Follow each workout consecutively throughout the week to get a well rounded week that helps you feel stronger and see results.

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  • 50 Minute Band Flow

    This workout flow through 50 minutes of full body work using a looped resistance band.

    Exercises include side lying outer hip work, kneeling upper body work, and standing glute strengthening.

    For one exercise in this routine, we recommend having a wall to hold on to, or have a chair or couch ne...

  • Cardio Pilates Sculpt

    This 30 minute workout gets the heart rate up with cardiovascular movements, then sculpts out the arms, abs, legs and glutes with targeted Pilates exercises. The heart rate will continually be elevated on and off throughout this workout to achieve the proven benefits of high intensity interval tr...

  • 45 Minute Core Ignite

    This is a 45 minute core ignite workout- pure core based work mixed in with exercises that target slightly different approaches and angles so you get the best results.

    *Small ball
    * Lighter set of dumbbells (3 lbs)
    *Heavier dumbbell (8 lb.).

  • 20 Minute Bosu Surf Sculpt

    Grab your Bosu Balance Trainer for this 20 minute, full body workout. These exercises strengthen and target the muscles used when hitting the waves in the California sun. Andrea uses these exercises when working with clients who are looking to improve their surf practice, as well as overall body ...

  • WEEK 2: DAY 6 | Full Body Total Tone with Andrea

    Join Andrea for a 30 minute, intermediate toning workout on the mat.

    * Looped Resistance Band
    * 3 Lb. Dumbbells
    * Small Ball

  • 15 Minute Rehabilitative Stretch