Hips and Glutes 2
Lower Body Focus
The Hips + Glutes classes at Speir in LA are some of the most waitlisted classes each week. This 45 minute, all-level class tightens, tones and shapes the hips, inner thighs, and sculpts the glutes. Grab your looped resistance band (we recommend medium-heavy). You can still do this entire workout with the band if you don't have it! Exercises featured in this workout include standing crab walks, kneeling donkey kicks, side lying leg strap work (with the band), and standing box lunges. Get ready to feel that burn!
Footbar in middle setting
All springs on
Handles preset on pegs
Headrest up
Looped resistance band (recommended)
Green- Heavy
Red- Medium/Heavy
Blue- Light
Yellow- Extra Light
Up Next in Lower Body Focus
30 Minute Glutes Sculpt
This intermediate/advanced reformer workout focuses purely on glute strengthening and sculpting. This workout is a tough one! Get ready to feel the burn. You will need a looped band (grab whatever resistance you prefer today, we used medium), as well as your sitting box. This workout is great on ...
30 Minute Inner Thighs and Glutes
An intermediate workout that targets the inner thighs and glutes in just 30 minutes. For this workout, you will need a small stability ball.
* Sitting Box
2 red springs
Footbar in down position
Loops preset on pegs
Headrest up
Sitting Box
Small ballOUR SPR...
30 Minute Lower Body Band
This super-focused, athletic reformer workout tightens and strengthens the outer hips, glutes and legs in 30 minutes. Get ready to work!