30 Minute Core Flow
This core based flow is 30 minutes in length, and will challenge the major part of your abdominals (transverse) as well as the obliques and rectus abdominals in an intermediate/advanced level workout.
Some of the exercises this workout includes are front platform side planks, seated zero spring crunches and reverse crunches, and back carriage pulls.
- Added padded platform
- Ball
Zero springs on
Footbar in lower upright position
Loops preset on pegs
Headrest up
Green- Heavy
Red- Medium/Heavy
Blue- Light
Yellow- Extra Light
Up Next in Tuesday
10 Minute Core 2
10 minutes of core work using nothing but bodyweight. This is a great workout to do if you are short on time, or to add in with any other workout to give your core that extra bit of attention. Try doing this routine 3 times per week for an entire month, and just wait to see some incredible changes.