2nd Trimester Flow
This 45 minute, full-body flowing workout is perfect to do during your 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Strengthen the glutes, pelvlic floor and outer hips to help stabilize and support the base of your body, while fusing in safe abdominal work, and effective postural work. Nothing you do in this workout will keep you on your back, or in any one position for too long, so your circulation will easily be able to flow. These are some of the exercises that Andrea practiced throughout both of her pregnancies, and found to be so helpful during those 9 months, as well as during labor and in postnatal recovery. Feel strong, healthy, and fantastic, mama!
Footbar in middle setting
2 Red Springs
Handles preset on pegs
Headrest up
Sitting box
Green- Heavy
Red- Medium/Heavy
Blue- Light
Yellow- Extra Light